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Tasyakur event after university student orientation time at student building UIN Jakarta, Saturday (15/10). |
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Since Bidikmisi’s management were changed from Ministry of Education and Culture to Ministry of Religious Affaris on 2012, various scholarship management rules in the Islamic State University (PTAIN) are managed by Ministry of Religious Affairs. Meanwhile, State University was handled by State Ministry of Research and Technology.
In the Technical Guide Implementation Assistance Program Tuition Fee Bidikmisi Islamic Religion in 2014, PTAIN apply for disbursement of funds to the State Treasury Office (KPPN) per month or a maximum of six months. Meanwhile, State Ministry of Research and Technology state that the funding was distributed per semester.
“Every University Organizer (PTP) is entitled to withdraw funds for a scholarship to a maximum of 6 months. Hence, instead of being held by the manager, they reject the withdrawal of the fund scholarship in the total amount instantly, which is IDR 6 million,” said Rahmawati, Section Head of Student Affairs, Sub-Directorate General for Infrastructure and Student Affairs, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Friday (20/3).
Rahmawati added, PTP has the right to make rules outside the technical guide. This policy makes UIN Jakarta to withdraw funds every two months. Student Affairs staff, Amellya Hidayat said, treasury office will disburse IDR 6 millions fund to the student’s bank account was held by the student’s affair.
Later, PTP pleaded disbursement to the participating banks with the attachment of decree of rector containing the names of the recipients. After that, the bank will transfer to an account held by the grantee. “Previously, they must fill out a file withdrawal of savings,” said Amellya, Monday (23/3).
Apparently, the rules adopted by UIN Jakarta is different from the rules that are run by PTP in the hand of State Ministry of Research and Technology. According to Amanda Delia, one of the members of Student Welfare Department Advocacy University of Indonesia, the 6 million allowance directly disbursed to the student’s bank account at the beginning of the semester.
“Students can take all the money at once without any cuts,” he said, Friday (20/3). When referring to the Minister of Finance Regulation number 81/PMK.05/2012 Chapter 5 of Article 9 of the disbursement and distribution of social aid, the disbursement of expenditure social aid fund derived from the general treasury account directly to the bank account of the grantee, or to the distributor’s bank account.
In line with Amanda, Sugondo, staff of Infrastucture and Student Affairs of State Ministry of Research and Technology, said the scholarship fund for grantee come in the early semester of the amount of Rp. 6 million without any cuts.
Further, the regulations governing the mechanism of scholarship fund report also different. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, UIN Jakarta reportedbased on technical guidance in 2014; namely in the form of Grade Point Average (GPA), the number of recipients, report of changing name, the results of monitoring activities, and others.
Later, accorded to Technical Guidelines Implementation Assistance Program Tuition Fee Bidikmisi PTAI 2014, the bundles will be one of the requirements that must be reported to the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Another thing with Ministry of Religious Affairs, Sugondo explained, PTP under State Ministry of Research and Technology only submitted a report in the form of GPA. “We just need a copy of the decree and GPA for the disbursement of funds,” he explained, Thursday (19/3). As with a copy of the payment bundle into evidence of disbursement, will be maintained by the participating banks.
Amanda explained, each grantee can easily access information on the website named sipbesar.dikti.go.id.In these sites, the Bidikmisi’sgrantee can log in with their account. Then, they can see themselves the phase of disbursement of funds in the first semester, the amount, and they can ask a question on the site.
The site that serve Bidikmisi’s grantee is auspices by State Ministry of Research and Technology, said Amanda, ease the scholarship service and provide fund transparency. When asked to Ministry of Religious Affairs, they do not have the similar pages for transparency of the disbursement process.
UIN Jakarta has yet to have a digital service like that, so that the grantee should go to student’s affair building to ask for information.“We do not have such sites.Yet, we welcome the development of the program, “said Vice-Rectpr for Student Affairs, Yusron Razak, Monday (23/3).
Nur Hamidah
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