Writer : Zainnudin Lubis
Translator : Ni’mah Nurul Ihsani (Translator is a student of English Letters Major, FAH)
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UIN Jakarta attempts to be a State University of Legal Entities and turns into World Class University.
Dede Rosyada, rector of UIN Jakarta is making efforts for becoming ‘his college’ as State University of Law Firm, and by doing this will ease UIN Jakarta as international university. Moreover, Dede formed a team-making of State University of Legal Entities consists of official institutions from UIN Jakarta in last August. This team is led by Murodi as Vice Rector of Corporation and the team bearing duties for preparing UIN Jakarta to be The State University of Legal Entities.
Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education (Menristek Dikti), Muhammad Nasir said that University of Law Firm is the university which has autonomous law and it is established by the government. Appointing lecturers, pioneering new majors, managing finances and organisation are the authorities could be done if a university becomes State University of Legal Entities. Besides, the aim of that program is to bring Indonesia’s State Universities compete internationally.
Nasir added that State Universities have to fulfil some requirements in order to become State University of Legal Entities. One of those is the A accreditation of institution and major. 80 percent majors have to be A accredited. “It is impossible to become a University of Legal Entities if a State University do not reach A grade” Nasir said in the The Ministry of Research and Technology Higher Education, second floor of D building, Jakarta, Thursday (9/15th).
Meanwhile, Jejen Jaenuddin as Accreditation Coordinator of Quality Assurance (LPM) of UIN Jakarta said that from 65 majors in UIN Jakarta, only 26 majors have been accredited A, 34 majors have been accredited B, and 6 majors have been accredited C. However, the accreditation validity period are expired for more than 20 majors. “For the majors which have been accredited A, UIN Jakarta is still less than 80 percent,” said Nasir specifically on Tuesday (9/20th).
Nasir continued that the second way to become a University of Legal Entities, a university have to own minimally 300 researches international publication which are indexed by Scopus –the world’s largest data centre-. The former rector of Diponegoro University also said this policy is made so that State Universities in Indonesia can compete internationally. He thinks that Indonesia is still facing obstacle in research publication, all this time because of the Indonesian researchers prefer to publish their research domestically.
Nevertheless, based on recapitulation data of the Institute for Research and Community Service of UIN Jakarta (LP2M), UIN Jakarta merely published 47 journals indexed by Scopus along 2015, and 24 journals from any different fields indexed by Scopus in 2016.
Arskal Salim as The Chief of Institute for Research and Community Service of UIN Jakarta (LP2M) and The Vice Chairman of forming-team UIN Jakarta to The University of Legal Entities acknowledged the deficiency publication of UIN Jakarta. Salim got report from LPM since 2004 until 2016, UIN Jakarta merely published 217 journals indexed by Scopus. Rigorous selection and long process are the causes of the lack number Scopus publications, added Salim.
Another requirement that a university need to have for becoming University of Legal Entities is having their own income minimally Rp1 trillion per year in order to fund any kind of their necessities, independently. Unfortunately, UIN Jakarta’s income is around Rp431 billion per year and this is acknowledged by UIN Jakarta’s rector, Dede Rosyada, “UIN Jakarta will still submit to The Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education Affair, anyway,” he said, Wednesday (9/24th).
Regarding the willingness of UIN Jakarta become University of Legal Entities has been confirmed by Vice Rector of Academic, Fadhillah Suralaga. Also, it has been listed in strategic planning during 2017-2021. The socialization correlating with that plan has been conveyed to the University Senate, as well. Fadhilah also makes improvement in academic fields by increasing studying and quality using curriculum of Indonesian National Qualifications Framework for all majors in UIN Jakarta. Fadhilah also substituted Class Plan (RAP) into Plan Program of Semester (RPS).
Fadhilah added, UIN Jakarta has been applying home base lecturer as one of the efforts to become University of Legal Entities. At least 6 permanent lecturers have to be owned by every major. It consists of professor and associate professor. The majors appoint non-government employee to be a lecturer if they lack of permanent lecturer.
Muhammad Nasir, Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education admitted that he has not received any submission files to become University of Legal Entities from UIN Jakarta. He also gives opportunity for every state university under Ministry of Religion Affairs to register. “Please register if the requirements are fulfilled” Nasir said.
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