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In order to enhance the quality of campus security system of Islamic State Jakarta, the director plans to change coaching management involving military staffs. The military’s function is to provide training and supervision of security performance. This also raises the issue of the existence of militarization in UIN Jakarta. Even, on 21 April, UIN Jakarta securities did peaceful protest as a form of denial of military entry on campus security sector.
Around 81 securities guards on duty at UIN Jakarta refused military intervention in the management of security. Because, there are a new rules that could not be agreed by security guards. One of these additions is different shift rolling from 8 hour to 12 hours.
According to the head guard UIN Jakarta, Satori, the addition of these hours should be counted as overtime work because it has exceeded the proper portions. He considered, the director’s plans seem sudden and shocking guards. Previously, Satori said, there was never any consultation with the security guard’s head.
Response the polemic, the Vice-Chancellor (Warek) II Public Administration, Amsal Bakhtiar said the plan of the coaching guard has not endorsed. “If a security works more than 8 hours, so the excess can be calculated overtime,” he said, Friday (23/5).
Amsal asserts, the coaching guard is just training and monitoring the security performance to more professional, in this case the military members. “The supervision is done because we have not been able to oversee the security guards performance continuously,” he said. Amsal added, the guidance would be provided to the security guard.
Although, it is just guidance, Satori said, he and his colleagues will refused the military member formation or any other party. “Now, if there is such an offer, we will reject,” he said firmly.
Satori also hesitates about military competence in order to manage the campus security. Moreover, they have never held the security in the campus area. “Maintaining security on campus is more complicated than a mall,” he added, Friday (16/5).
Accordingly, Amsal explained, the security guard did not come directly from the military organization, but from a company that services security, PT. Guard Citra Mandiri. “Director has recruited guard (outsourcing) from PT. Citra Mandiri Guard for duty in the Student Center (SC) area, “he said.
One of the security guards who served in the SC, Kiki Riyandi states, although he is under military guidance, but there is no military rules are enforced. “Development of a security guard (non outsourcing) by the military members will only affect the discipline, commitment, punctuality, and firmness in charge of security,” said Kiki, Wednesday (14/5).
Related to this, not only the security guard who protested to the director, the students also had held a demonstration in front of the director. One of them, Muhammad Ahsan who became the field coordinator in the action, he was concerned that there militarization of campus.
“Campus should be neutral, there should be no military intervention or political party,” he said, Friday (23/5). Not only that, he feels worry if the guard is now replaced will be substituted by the new security guard who had received training from members of the military.
In this regard, the Head of General Department, Ali Meha explained that there will not be any security staffs were replaced. “We’re just going to make improvements in managerial. Militarization will not happen on campus, we do not need it, “he said, Friday (16/5).
(Erika Hidayanti/ MD)
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