The examination of competency certificate. (Source: Internet) |
In preparing a real world, workplace, a college students typically have a certificate that shows their competency. However, the availability of certificate in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta had not spread all over faculty.
According to the Act No. 20 Year 2003 Article 61 Clause 1 about the Education System, an institution should give both diploma and competency certificate. Furthermore, a competency certificate was seen important because it can give the credibility in specific workplace.
Chairul Annas, a student of Syariah and the Act Faculty sees certificate of competency as an important thing. He said that lack of a certificate of competency made a fresh graduate students have a difficulty in seeking a job. “Moreover, in the end of this year MEA will be started,” said Chairul which also the Chairman of the Islamic Economic Study Circle. Eventually, Indonesian later will compete with foreigner because market trade in goods and service will be free.
On the contrary, Fakhri Muhammad Kartanegara, a Student Medical Education Program (Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter) Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences said that PSPD UIN Jakarta currently have facilitated the certificate of competency right after the students doing Indonesian Doctor Competency Test (Uji Kompetensi Dokter Indonesia) which held by both the Indonesian Medical Association and the Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions.
UKDI held after the education of pre-clinic and clinic. UKDI are divide into written one and Objective Structure Clinical Examination (OSCE) test. “A certificate of competency of profession are given when graduation ceremony. Even after we held the certificate, a fresh graduate doctor can not do the medical practice because they still need a letter of permission for it,” said Fakhri. (20/3)
Those condition are confirmed by Vice Dean I Academic Affairs Faculty of Science and Technology, Lily Suraya. She mentioned, UIN Jakarta published the certificate of competency limited to some major. “I saw that the students have a good competency, yet the university has not opened their eyes for it,” Lily said in her room. (18/3)
Around the four major in Faculty of Science and Technology, two of them are Information Technology and System of Information have been worked together with one of Professional Certification Institution (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) to do the certification.
Meanwhile, the rest of it, Agricultural and Mathematics, has not been certificated yet because it saw as not ready yet. She said that the budget needed will also be charged in semester tuition fee. However, one who facilitate the certificate of competency is university it will make sure that the budget will be cheaper than the certification held outside. She added, beside the budget, a serious concern and support from the office of university head are important in adding the means and sets of equipment.
In response to that, Vice Dean I Academic Affairs UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Fadhilah Suralaga said, the development of certification of competency still in planning process. For now, UIN Jakarta only have the certificate for Information Technology, System Information, PSPD, and all of major in Tarbiya and Teachers Training.
The next development of certificate of competency, said Fadhillah, will be held in Pharmacy, Psychology, Islamic Banking, and Islamic Insurance. “The trouble is the permission itself which also linked to the readiness in facility and human resources,” said Fadhillah. (23/3)
A sets of equipment which regulated in procedure of making the LSP included a standard of work competency, certification scheme, a place for conducting the competency test, good personnel and certification controlling system.
Meanwhile, the chief of the Indonesian Medical Association and the Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions (Lisensi Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi), Sanromo, explains that workplace demands the need of certification of competency, the diploma certificate is not enough. “A labor will be avowed by the world when they have the certificate,” he said. (23/3)
Furthermore, he added, it has been said in the Act No. 20 Year 2003 Article 61 Clause 3 about Education System. That article said, certificate of competency are given from educational caretaker and training institution to students as an avowal to do specific work.
However, Sarmono continued, graduated from university typically is not compatible with what workplace demands. The reason is the curriculum in university that is not in line with the competency standard. He mentioned, if university (curriculum) is not compatible, a graduated university students should be trained over by certification institution to get the certification of competency. “To measure the university success we can see from the competency of the graduated,” he clarified.
The Importance of Speaking Foreign Language
Although PSPD facilitated the certification of competency, in practices, the student competency in speaking foreign language still far from the hope in facing MEA in the end of this year. “International language become more demanding in communicate with foreign doctors,” said Fakhri.
Even for assignment from the lecturer, they often suggest to use the journal and book reference in English, Fakhri evaluate that quality, and both the instructor and instruction in PSPD should be maximized.
Meanwhile, Lily Suraya mentioned, to make sure not being underrated from foreigner, the university students should have prepared. “I saw that the students’ competence and scholarly is not inferior, yet we lose in communicating,” she said. Let alone the students, it goes same with the lecturer that has low skills in foreign language.
In respond to that, Fadhilah Suralaga mentioned, the language competency of the students can be measured with TOEFL and TOAFL standard. Recently, Centre of Language Development of UIN Jakarta conducted class for the students that have not passed the minimum score. “Later, we will develop the foreign language competency in the lecturing material,” he clarified.
Maulia Nurul Hakim
Transleted by UKM Bahasa FLAT
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