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University Student Assembly (Majelis Permusyawaratan Mahasiswa Universitas) scheduled to be held on next month. However, the forum decision is up to consignment team which prepared by Rectorate.
MPMU which was attended by all representative of the student’s organization board, except Student Association (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan), will discuss the Article of Association/Bylaws (AD/ART) Students Organization. In MPMU later, every decision has to go through the trial and stratification is prohibited among the members of congregation.
Chairman of the University Student Senate (Senat Mahasiswa Universitas), Eko Siswandanu, hopes that AD/ART that has been compiled on MPMU later can be soon authorized by the Rector. Eko objects if consignment team has to change the content of AD/ART as happened in the previous MPMU. “Therefore, AD/ART that compiled is the truly based on forum agreement,” said Eko.
“I do not know who are the member the consignment team. Our plan is to convey it to the Rectorate before holding MPMU,” said Eko, Friday (20/3). The conveyance it self would do anticipated the Rector to intervene the result of MPMU and change the substance.
When contacted by INSTITUT, on Monday (23/3), Chairman of SEMA-U 2012-2014, Akhmad Yusuf confirmed that there are intervention from consignment team after session cocurt. Previously, Rectorate throughout consignment team examined the students organization’s AD/ART which newly re-activated after Student Government (SG) suspended on 2011 ago.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Commission on Law and Legislation SEMA-U,Alan Novandi hope if the result of MPMU is being changed by consignment team, they (SEMA-U) must be informed. Even text or substance were edited, he wants consignment team discussed it with the forum before it comes to terms.
“If enacted immediately without forum agreement, we will be like hand over the planning. Even us (SEMA-U) do not want that consignment team later edited the result of MPMU,” said Alan, Monday (23/3).
Meanwhile, Chairman of Students Association (HMJ) Public Health, Ayu Sajida Da’ad Arini also does not agree with the involvement of consignment team. If they had gotten involve and change or replace the result of MPMU, she want to get it transparently. “Hence, modifying act later is not prerogative rights of consignment team,” please Ayu, Monday (23/3).
In line with Ayu, Chairman of the Executive Board (DEMA) Faculty of Islamic Theology, Tanwirun Nadzir also objected to the presence of consignment team. According to him, it would limit sovereignty of students. For him, the transparency between consignment team and SEMA-U should be existed. “Although the results of the final decision remains on their side (Rectorate),” said Tanwir, Monday (23/3).
In response to these matters, Vice-Rector III Students Affairs, Yusron Razak has not discussed in detail with SEMA-U related to the presence of consignment team. “I ever got words from the Chairman of SEMA-U, but I have not taken it seriously,” explained Professor of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Monday (23/3).
The pretension of SEMA-U does not count consignment team in the process of legalizing the result of court even more difficult. Since the rector impose a system of Senate, Rector or Vice-Rector III have the rights to legitimize the decision of MPMU.
Meanwhile, the former Chairman of the University Congress (KMU) UIN Jakarta 2008-2009, Ayip Tayana explained, based on Guidelines Students Organizations (Pedoman Organisasi Kemahasiswaan) UIN Jakarta, the involvement of Rector regarding MPMU is written.
“But the most important is how students can convince Rector not to alter the result of MPMU,” said Ayip, Tuesday (23/3).
It is different when university have Student Government (SG) system, which is the highest student’s organization, the Rector cannot change the result of KMU. “Thus, the result of trial or students congress is immediately authorized by Rectorate,” he concluded.
Syah Rizal
Transletted by UKM Bahasa FLAT
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