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Many times the parking regulation system of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic University of Jakarta (UIN) has changed. Undeniable, it is useless.
It has been two months GB (Gerbang Berkah) Parking managed the parking system in UIN Jakarta. But, this private organizer does not show better result. Therefore, many controversies spread start from student demonstration also writing petition in FKIK, last April.
The new rule of GB Parking is rising the cost parking from Rp 500 to Rp 1000 for motorcycle. Meanwhile, Rp 1000 to Rp 2000 for car. Suhendro Tri Anggono as The Chief of Public Division of UIN Jakarta explained, this raising rate in order to give the owners of each vehicle insurance. Thus, if there is vehicle loss in campus area, the owners may obtain reimbursement until one hundred percent.
Nevertheless, Director of GB Parking Business, Nindya Nazara stated that the reimbursement for motorcycle is synchronized with the market price. “For example, if motorcycle brand Kawasaki Ninja and the price is Rp30 is missing but it has been used for two years, we do not give reimbursement with the same price,” said Nindya, Monday (9/5).
Right now, GB Parking workers consist of UIN Parking ex-employees and GB Parking staffs. The parking attendants in UIN Jakarta is 30 persons. The labours in campus one is 19 persons added four staffs of GB Parking. They four are Manager, two Supervisors, and financial administrator. The remains workers are in campus two.
Even though UIN Jakarta has 30 parking employees, it is still not enough compared with the number of vehicles in UIN Jakarta. Around 6500 units come everyday.
Meanwhile, the office hours start from 06.00 until 22.00. That hours divided into two shifts, the first one is 06.00 am until 14.00 and shift two starts from 14.00 until 22.00. Over 22.00 until 06.00, the parking is handled by security of UIN Jakarta.
The first shift, 12 parking attendants spread into 9 areas, two persons at new parking lot, one at entry gate, one person around UKM Arkadia, and two persons at Student Centre (SC) parking lot.Furthermore, at the basement of FIDKOM (The Faculty of Da’wa and communication) basement, FST (Faculty of Science and Technology), also FEB (Faculty of Economics and Business) are one parking attendants in each.Forwardly, at the areas of Mandiri Bank and FITK (Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher Training) there is one parking guard. “The two left handle The Centre Library area and stand by on the area,” said the Manager of GB Parking, Ahmad Alvi, Saturday (7/5).
The number of employees in shift two is not as much as shift one. In shift two, at the gate out there is four employees and three remains handled the entry gate, Student Centre parking lot, and FITK.
However, the security system of GB Parking has not shown a better result. The helmets that left in the parking lot often missing. That cases has confirmed by Suhendro, “There is written report from security states that many helmets are missing.”he explained, Wednesday (20/4).
In addition, GB Parking supervisor, Yandi admitted that the lack ability of labours in operating new system based on technology. Furthermore, it causes long lineshead to the gate out (in front of Mandiri Bank), Friday (3/5). Yandi also added the employees of GB Parking still need to be adapted.
Jajang Nurzaman, student of FITK majoring Elementary School Teacher Education, complained the long lines towards the counter out. He said this never happened back then. “The long lines can be formed until Student Centre Parking Lot, right now,” said the student of eight semester, Friday (13/5).
As same as Jajang, The Head of Education Department of Indonesia Letters and Language, FITK, Makyun Subuki. Makyun thought, when he wanted to go out, the line was long and wasting time. “Now, it takes a time just for want to out of here,” He said, Wednesday (11/5).
The Head of General Administration and Employment, Reti Indarsih explained, all of complains above have to be evaluated by GB Parking itself. She added that the service of GB Parking was not pleasedyet. “However, I put optimism for GB Parking.” Reti said, Thursday (12/5).
Private (still)
UIN Jakarta has been changing the parking management many times. Before 2009, the parking supervision run by the security and it was free of charge. After that, still in 2009, Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV) Dumparking handled and charged Rp500 for motorcycle, Rp1000 for car. This system only run in three years.
CV Dumparking broke the rule. At that time, CV Dumparking was late to pay the rent to UIN Jakarta, thus the parking managed by UIN itself, namely UIN Parking. “We warn them and give punishment, then” said The Household Staff of General Section (The ex-Coordinator of UIN Parking), Rahmat Hidayat, Wednesday (4/5).
When UIN Parking managed, the parking lot was chaotic and got negative comments from the visitor. Reti Indarsih also said that the move parking management was caused by audit of State Audit Agency (BPK) to the former parking management.
Suhendro Tri Anggono explained that GB Parking has passed the selection process. “The presentation, facility, and its readiness GB Parkin is more professional. Thus, we choose GB Parking” Suhendro said, Thursday (12/5).
Writer: Eli Murtiana
Translator: Ni’mah Nurul Ihsani (Translator is a student of English Letters Major, FAH)
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