FSDAL’s Fund devoid of Transparency

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There is no transparent details of the funding allocation of Environment and Resource Faculty (FSDAL), meanwhile the student of FSDAL have paid for 3 semesters.
Since 2014, around 75 collegians of Environment and Natural Resource Faculty (FSDAL) are studying in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. They have paid for 40 million rupiahs (per person), even though the faculty has not obtained the approval.
The amount of 40 million rupiahs is included development cost and tuition fee, 10 million rupiahs was given when the students did re-registration, and the tuition fee was paid as the leftovers. Thus, they have to fee 10 million rupiahsevery semester.
The student majoring inEngineering Geology of FSDAL, RessyYudoPraharyo stated that there is no details or specific information regardingthe allocation of tuition fee. “Pas daftar ulang dan buka web-nya, hanya ada keterangan tentang total uang yang harus dibayar,” said her, Monday (14/3).
Similarly, according to Ahmad Erlangga Aji a student majoring in Petroleum Engineering of FSDAL that he merely saw the total amount and no information concerning of tuition feein UIN Jakarta’s website, as well as inthe notification paper of FSDAL students, Monday (14/3).
Institut inquired specific report regarding the disbursement calculation to the Head of Bureau of Finance Planning of UIN Jakarta, Mr. Subarja on Monday, 7th March 2016.Subarja gave a reference memo to Institut to hand it over the Head of Finance Department of UIN Jakarta. Furthermore, he advised to interviewing the dean of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) included establisher of FSDAL.
Institut give a memo to the Head of Finance Department, Siti Sugiarti. After 6 days of work, she said she could not give the data of allocation of student fund.
Siti Sugiarti stated that person authorized only is allowed to access the data, Data tersebut hanya untuk internal saja, lagipula data anggaran itu sudah disahkan oleh Kementerian Keuangan, said her, Friday (18/3).
In fact, the information relate to finance report records in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 year 2008 Article 9 Clause 2 Point C on Public Information Section IV Part One concerning required and announced information periodically (that is) finance report.
The Dean of Science and Technology Faculty (FST), Agus Salim said FST does not hold the funding allocation details. “Rincian anggaran pembayaran mahasiswa FSDAL ada di bagian Perencanaan dan Keuangan UIN Jakarta,” stated him, Thursday (17/3).
On the contrary, Subarja uttered the allocation details of FSDAL students fund is in the faculty, besides it has been ratified and audited by the Ministry of Finance also the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). “Penggunaan keuangan FSDAL sudah sesuai dengan prosedur. Untuk rinciannya ada di fakultas,”said him, Friday (18/3).
Meanwhile, Institut phoned the Formation Team Leader of FSDAL of UIN Jakarta, Untung Suryanto. He spoke that all the FSDAL’s data has handed out to the Vice Rector of Academic, Fadhillah Suralaga, since 1st October 2015.
Fadhillah Suralaga stated she not ever has the finance report of FSDAL. “Data rincian alokasi dana mahasiswa FSDAL dapat ditanyakan ke bagian keuangan UIN Jakarta,”opposed him, Friday (18/3).
Unsufficient Facility
The problem is not merely concerning to the transparent of fund, FSDAL has not has its own laboratory. According to Aji’s utterance, FSDAL’s students still using The Central Integrated Laboratory (PLT) of UIN Jakarta. They were promised that would be doing labwork in University of Trisakti also the Institute of Oil and Gas. Yet, it is still a promise.
Ressy also stated that she did practice around the college and PLT UIN Jakarta for Chemistry and Physics subjects since she is a student of Engineering Geology. She added that is only Mining Engineering and Engineering Geology Study Program did field trip to countryside.“Di sana kami melakukan kunjungan ke museum Geologi Bandung, Holcim Education Forest di Sukabumi, dan Stone Garden di Padalarang,”said her, Monday (14/3).
Untung Suryanto gives a reason relating FSDAL’s own laboratory, he thinks it is not needed yet due to the Technic Department of UIN Jakarta is still waiting for permission from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti), Saturday (19/3). 
Writer : Jeannita Kirana
Translator : Ni’mah Nurul Ihsani (Translator is a student of English Letters Major, FAH)

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