Why Should GB Parking?

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Cooperation of the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta with  Gerbang Berkah (GB) Parking is done to improve the management of parking. Until now there has been no significant change.
Almost three months already GB Parking has been at UIN Jakarta.The exist of GB Parking is in order  to regulate and secure the motor vehicles on campus. Unfortunately, until now many students who do not know the clarity of their cooperation.
The manager  of GB Parking, Ahmad Alpi, explained, actually before they were implemented on the campus one of UIN Jakarta, GB Parking already has been tested at Hospital  and houses of UIN Jakarta on August 20 th2016 last. Once considered  good, as a result  began early March campus one has used the services of  GB Parking. One month later, two and three campus UIN Jakarta also applied this new parking management system.
For licensing, Alpi added, it also had received permission from the Department of Transportation (Transportation) South Tangerang to manage parking on campus. However, when they were questioned about the length of the contract GB Parking  at  UIN Jakart,  he would not give a comment. “If it is about contract, i  can not say something, because I am here just handling filed side,” he said, Saturday (7/5).
In addition, he also met a number of conditions which is not ccordance with manager’s estimation. Such as the number of  motorcyclist,he initially record that there were only about 5,000 motorcyclists. In fact, there were up to 6,000motorcyclists. And  for surveillance cameras, GB Parking only provides itonly at entry and exit gate. While the installation of surveillance cameras in the parking deck is directly facilitated by UIN Jakarta.
Head of the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (AUK), Reti Indarsih, said the changing of parking management begans since UIN Jakarta wanted parking is managed by a professional company. Then began the opened registration for private parking companies that want to manage parking on this campus. As a result,had been selected three private companies. They are Maharani Parking, NISParking, and GB Parking.
The election of GB Parking, added Reti,because GB Parking wants  to improve the parking system, to expand its facilities, and also guarantee insurance and security. However, to support all of them,  GB Parking asked campus to increase parking fees from Rp 500 into Rp.1000 (for motorcycle) and Rp.2000 (for car).
Therefore, UIN Jakarta finally decided to have cooperation with that private company. He said that the facilitieswhich should be provided  by GB Parking is in the form of facilities and infrastructure. Such as surveillance cameras, automatic out-counters, computers,until the ticket booth. Questioning about insurance, said Reti, GB Parking will provide full insurance if there is damage or  loss of the vehicle.
Same with Reti, Head of Department (Chief) General, Suhendro Tri Anggono admitted, a cooperation agreement with GB Parking had been adjusted to increase parking fees and the nominal of rentedparking area. “Between the three companies that the percentage of GB parking was the most reasonable in terms of price and facility  offered,” he explained, Wednesday (9/5).
Nevertheless, Suhendro regreted  parking system has not had significant changes until now, especially in terms of security. This was evidenced by the exist of  student who had losttheir helm. Facilities such as security cameras has not been installed yet. Moreover, every hour there was long queue  at theautomatic  exit gate of the campus.
Meanwhile, when the Institute contacted them  by via cell phone to inquire the cooperation between GB Parking with  UIN Jakarta . Vice-Chancellor (Warek II) Administration General, Abdul Hamid, answered, “I just coordinate it, just ask directly to the Head of the General, Head of the SBA and Head of cooperation,” he explained, Wednesday (11/5).
On the one hand, Alpi also complained with a lack of staff and parking lots made many vehicles can notbe  neatly arranged. He considered many factors that lead to a long queue at the exit of the automatic parking. Among others,someimes computer applications in the locker ticket had an error. Then, there are still riders whohas parking cards still tookticket in a locker. “Especially if it was after raining, certainly jammed. People was waiting until the rain was over,after the rain was over,  they queued in the same time, “he said, Saturday (7/5).
Hendro added,the pending of surveillance cameras installation and long lines at the automatic exit gate is common. Not maximal performance of GB Parking, according to him  is still reasonable limits. Moreover, in each day, there will always be supervised of the campus. When an error occurs, he added, there will be  a direct evaluation.
Business Director GB Parking, Nindya Nazara said  that they has  already provided a solution for a long line at  the automatic exit gate. The first techniqueis called pick up the ball, it means put two officers in front of the post, then do parking payments collectively. Second, another alternative is to create four additional counters so that motorists will  notbe  accumulated. “But such proposals are still considered by the rector,” he said, Monday (9/5).
Writer: Aisyah Nursyamsi
Translator : Prafitri Kumalasari (Translator is a student of English Letters Majors, FAH)

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