Considering Nomenclature Degree

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In earlyAugust 2016, higher education institutions under the auspices of Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) change their academic degree aimed to compete with graduates of public colleges and integrating the science into the main reason.
Mohammad Reza Baihaki’s hope obliterates to get two different titles when graduated. The students who took a double degree in the Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH) State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta got news that FSH will implement a law degree (SH) for all majors.
Reza pursuing his studies in Department of Comparative Sect and Law (PMH) International Class and Legal Studies has found out that the new rules are too hasty. This seventh semester student feels the decision was unsuitable.
The degree substitution that occurred in FSH is the impact of the Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs (PMA) which recently released by Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag). In the PMA explains that the degree substituition of strata 1 and 2 that exist in educational institutions is under the auspices of MORA (Kemenag).
Tuesday, August 9, 2016 the Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin signed PMA No. 33 of 2016 on Academic Degrees of Higher Religious Education which replaced PMA No. 36 of 2009 regarding the Decree of Science Classification and Science degree in Range of Religious Academic College.
Based on the PMA No. 33 of 2016, Kemenag attach 54 majors which the title changed, these are SH for majors in FSH, Bachelor of Education (S.Pd) for Tarbiyah majors in the Faculty of Science and Teaching, Bachelor of Social (S. Sos) to the majors in the Faculty of Da’wa and Communication Studies, Bachelor of Religion (S.Ag) for the department in the Faculty of Islamic Theology and Bachelor of Economics (S.E) for majors in the Faculty of Economics and Business.
In response to PMA No. 33 of 2016, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs FSH Euis Amalia explained that the alternation of the title was a proposal of the faculty to MORA (Kemenag). Many students also support to get a degree SH. “We will apply it on later 102nd graduation,” she said on Wednesday (21/9).
Related differences in the content of courses credits (SKS) that exist in each department in FSH, Euis added that there will be a review of the curriculum. The review aims to graduates who came from other than Legal Studies have competence in the positive law.
Besides the curriculum, FSH will provide training for the students. FSH will provide training of litigation, legal drafting, and business contracts for students near from the graduation time. “The training will be included in Certificate of Complementary Diploma (SKPI),” Euis added.
Since August 9, 2016, all higher education institutions under Kemenag must obey the verdict of PMA, but until now UIN Jakarta has not officially followed it. The PMA has not been yet implemented in UIN Jakarta because of some things that are still in review.
On Monday, September 5, 2016, vice-chancellor (warek) and certain deans of all higher education institutions under MORA (Kemenag) held a meeting with the Director of the Directorate of Islamic Higher Education, Amsal Bakhtiar to discuss the nomenclature of majors and degree.
Among the points to be revisited is the nomenclature of degrees and majors. For example, the Islamic Guidance and Counseling (BPI) in Fidikom should be in FITK but still need the reconsideration. “Because of the guidance aimed at the public, it considered to still be in Fidikom,” said 1stWarek of Academic Affairs Fadhilah Suralaga UIN Jakarta on Monday (20/9).
In addition, personally, Fadhilah disagree if FSH apply SH title to all department because Fadhilah consider that not all departments provide the legal material. “Perhaps aside from Department of Legal Studies can earn a Bachelor of Islamic Law (SH.I),” Fadhilah added.
However, if FSH keep using SH title, Fadhilah suggest to add the subjects that concerning the legal thing. Graduates competencies and learning attainment must also be changed. “Students also want the title changes,” he added.
In response to the latest PMA, Amsal Bakhtiar argued that graduates of religious colleges can compete with the public one. Besides that, the integration of science became a major factor.
But the different content of courses credits (SKS) into a new problem. Amsal give the reason that the unsuitable material will offer a circular letter to add the SKS and revision courses.
The alteration of academic degree approved by Minister of Religion is the result of all higher education institutions discussion under the auspices of MORA (Kemenag). Amsal explains that the discussion related to the title and department has already been 2 years.
Amsal is also asserted that higher education institutions under the auspices MORA must obey the PMA No. 33 of 2016 because it does not have the authority to determine the degree and refuse the center’s rule. “Unless if the college is non-MORA (Kemenag) auspices,” he concluded.

Writer : Eko Ramdani
Translator : Dwi Nurmayunita (Translator is a student of English Letters Major, FAH)

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