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Ministry of Reasearch and Technology currently has not given license for the three majors of FSDAL. Feel aggrieved, the proxy for university student held audience with the UIN Jakarta, in order to clarify the status of the student.
Notice not only about the amount of mining conflict in Indonesia, but also miners who had conflict with the local people. They’re the reasons for both The formation of Faculty Natural Resources and Environment (FSDAL) in State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta to open new three departments in 2014. By way of opening those departments, such as Mining Techniques, Petroleum Engineering, Geological Techniques, the expecatation of UIN Jakarta is able to produce many great men of natural resource management.
In order to open FSDAL, the former of this faculty cooperates with companies engage in the field of energy, for examples PT Chevron and PT Pertamina. Not only those comapanies, but also Missouri University Science and Technology (MST) America, Institute Technology of Bandung (ITB), and Trisakti University. For getting support and aid, two former of this faculty, both M.K. Tadjudin accompanied by Jamhari Makruf came to America.
In September 2013, the head of University in the term dates 2010-1-14, Komaruddin Hidayat signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT Chevron which was represented by A Hamid Batubara. According to M.K Tadjudin, the formation of FSDAL is the great idea, it makes UIN Jakarta as the first Islamic university which opens that faculty.
This former continuously managed the formation license to the Ministry of Religion. Not only that, UIN Jakarta also asked for permission to Ministry of Reasearch, Technology and Education to open three departments under FSDAL.
Unfortunately, until the admission of new students in the term dates 2014-2015, Ministry of Reasearch, Technology and Education has not given license. Nevertheless, UIN Jakarta is still accepting students through admissions in 2014 with the main faculty that is Faculty of Science and Technology.
About the admission of FSDAL in 2014, M.K. Tadjudin said that those admission is done because of the forced from any coorporations which have given aid. “PT Chevron asked for the class can be begin soon, so UIN Jakarta can admit students although the license has not been given,” said M.K. Tadjudin when Institut met him in his home, on Thursday (17/3).
M.K. Tadjudin regret on the demeanor of the current Rector and Vice Rector of university, he thought that they are not focus on continuing the process of that faculty yet. He hopes that the current rector is optimist on manage the license. “The previous Faculty of Medical and Health Science also had the same problem, and had contact with the president of Indonesia, according to have license. I think if there is better lobby, the license will be given,” said dean of Faculty Medical and Health Science the current term dates 2010-2014.
Until the students of FSDAL reached the second semester, Ministry of Reasearch, Technology and Education has not given license for those departments. The Vice Rector of General Administration, Abdul Hamid claimed that he just knew about that license. However, UIN Jakarta still tries to get the license from Ministry of Reasearch, Technology and Education.
Hamid authorized that there is the problem of the the previous leadership of university. “It is the responsibility of university to make an effort in order to get the license. We are just on duty to make sure things going right especially for the previous leadership,” said Hamid, on Wednesday (16/3).
Up to 2016 the case of licensing has not been done. As a result, proxies from 75 students of FSDAL knew that their children’s status have not been registered as college students of UIN Jakarta. On 9 February 2016, the proxies of students had an audience with UIN Jakarta and demanded the license of three departments such as Mining Techniques, Petroleum Engineering, and Geological Techniques to be accepted soon.
About license, Hamid stated one of the reasons why Ministry of Reasearch, Technology and Education has not given license, because the departments which are requested are the genereal departments. After Hamid contacted Ministry of Reasearch, Technology and Education, general departments which are under control Ministry of Religion cannot be more than departments of religion. Same with the leadership of Komaruddin Hidayat, M.K. Tadjudin conveyed at that moment thenumber of general departments is equal with the religion departments and made they have not given the license.
After asking for license to Ministry of Reasearch, Technology and Education, Hamid guarantees the license will be accepted, but just for one department, it is Mining Department. UIN Jakarta chose that department because the supporting lecturers at Mining department are more than others. “The license for Mining field will be accepted around March until April in 2016”, stated Hamid.
Responding of the case, the Director of Institutional Development Universities, Ridwan stated that since 2015 the formation of new department through online system. Probably, added by Ridwan, in 2014 this university still uses manual system. “Now, the online system takes over the selection using computer, so if there is not enough requirements, it will automatically refused,” he said, on Thursday (17/3).
According to data which the Ministry of Reasearch, Technology and Education had, Ridwan noted that there are 2300 departments which are requested to be registered in 2015, after selection, just 300 departments which had registration after selection session, including UIN Jakarta. Ridwan could not explain about the reason why three departments from UIN Jakarta have not accepted license because of the selection using online system and evaluation team.
Related to UIN Jakarta that opened general departments before there was a license, according to him, it broke Article of law12/2012 about higher education. University, which breaks that article of law, will get the administrative sanction with written warning, temporary discontinuance of aid from government, activity of studies, and development.
Writer: Ika Puspitasari
Translator : Prafitri Kumalasari (Translator is a student of English Letters Major, FAH)
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