UIN Lecturer Research Proposals are Under-Qualified

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The Example of Journal
To achieve the target as a research university, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta allocates Rp 10 billion as a grant for financing 284 lecturer research. However, only 108 UIN lecturer research proposals are qualified. Some proposals were rejected because the quality of the research proposal was still underqualified. It was confirmed by the research coordinator, Laifa Annisa.
Laifa added, the standard of research qualification could be appraised by the theme, content, urgency and research methodology. “If the research does not meet these standards, the proposal will not be accepted. Research proposals are to be assessed by the assessment team that we have chosen,” added she on Tuesday (20/5).
Sri Mulyati is the one whose research proposal was rejected by Center of Research and Publishing (Puslitpen). Sri did not get more detailed clarification from Puslitpen as for her research proposal rejection. “We, the researchers, did not know why the proposals were rejected and what errors we made since there was no further explanation,said the lecturer at the Faculty of Usul al-Din on Saturday (23/5).
In contrast to Sri, Elo Al-Bugis research proposal successfully passed the selection.  Although the proposal of the lecturer of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences(FITK) had some shortage, Elo still had the opportunity to revise the research proposal. “The theme of my proposal has been approved by Puslitpen, but the basic theory and methodology should be improved,” said he on Thursday (22/5).
In the process of selecting research proposals, Puslitpen prioritizes themes containing Islamic integration, environmental issues, health, and civil society.
Vice Rector (Warek) of Academic Affairs, Mohammad Matsna pointed out factors that cause the decreasing of lecturers research quality came from the internal of the lecturers themselves. “Lecturers consider that writing a journal is not important. Lecturers at UIN are too busy in teaching and doing activities outside the campus, ” he said on Friday ( 23/5 ).
Another factor was that lecturers sometimes just wanted to do something ‘quick’ in producing the material. “They are just looking for something that is ‘fast’, whereas research is needed to improve the quality of the lecturers and the university,” said Matsna.
The Example of Journal
In terms of writing journal, Matsna said, lecturers should be motivated to do the research. As support for increasing lecturers’ interest in writing, UIN Jakarta would provide incentives by promoting their position and dedicating some money.
Until now, UIN Jakarta is still waiting for lecturer research proposals to achieve the target, which are 19 for beginners, 41 intermediate and 26 national publications. Since many proposals are excluded, Puslitpen is to open second phase in order to meet the quota.
The main requirement for the applicant is the applicant must be maximumly graduated master degree, become civil servants (PNS) and had at least one scientific article published in the journal. Although there are five different types of research, the main requirement must be met by all levels of study.

(Hamidah/ AF)

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